
Cyclists’ fundraising tour ends in Halifax

Cyclists’ fundraising tour ends in Halifax - image

HALIFAX, N.S. – Two cyclists from Ontario pedaled across Canada this summer, in an effort to raise money for dementia research.

Ian Whatley and Ben Love, from the University of Guelph, ended their trip in Halifax on Monday.

The trip has been a lifelong goal of Whatley and Love, as members of their families have been affected by Alzheimer’s disease.

The duo was well received across the country, and came just a few hundred dollars short of raising their goal of $25,000.

Whatley and Love hope to learn more about Alzheimer’s disease, and to continue their studies in biomedical sciences.

Nearly 500,000 Canadians suffer from some form of dementia, with a higher percentage being women.

Canada’s aging population also means that instances of dementia will continue to rise.

Whatley and Love hope that fundraising, like their tour across the country, will help make a difference.

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