
N.S. RCMP warning public of scam involving emotional appeal to give cash

Police are asking members of the public to be aware of the scam so that they don't give money to someone who is collecting it fraudulently. Getty Images

Nova Scotia RCMP are warning the public about a scam they say is meant to emotionally appeal to victims in an attempt to convince them to part with their cash.

In a recent case in Port Hawkesbury, police say two women were approached by another woman, who reportedly told them she needed money because her brother had just died. In Fall River, someone was reportedly approached by a woman who said she needed money to feed her three kids, and another person told police a woman approached them and said she needed money for gas.

“We have the ability to check RCMP attachments pretty much across Canada and we can see that [the suspects are] involved in similar incidents,” Nova Scotia RCMP Cpl. Jennifer Clarke said.
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Several incidents like these have been reported in June around the province, RCMP say.

Police are asking members of the public to be aware of the scam so that they don’t give money to someone who is collecting it fraudulently.

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