
Assiniboine Park Zoo welcomes visitors to new interactive stingray exhibit

Visitors at Assiniboine Park Zoo crowded around the zoo's new 'Stingray Beach' exhibit. Michael Draven / Global News

May long weekend marks the arrival of some new animals at Assiniboine Park Zoo.

The zoo has officially opened an interactive ‘Stingray Beach’ exhibit.

Over a dozen Rays will be housed in a shallow 1,300 sq.-ft. pool located in the zoo’s rotating exhibit gallery.

A curious visitor touching a stingray at Assiniboine Park Zoo. Marek Tkach / Global News

“Stingray Beach gives us a valuable opportunity to expand our conservation messaging to include the health of our oceans and aquatic wildlife while providing an exciting new experience for our visitors,” says the zoo’s senior director of Animal Care, Grant Furniss.

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Stingray Beach will be the home of Cownose Rays and Southern Stingrays.

Cownose Rays get their name from their unique forehead, which resembles the nose of a cow.

Southern Stingrays have flat, diamond-shaped bodies. They uncover their prey by blowing water out through their mouth and flapping their ‘wings’ over the sand.

The exhibit has its own veterinary facilities, specially designed for caring for stingrays.

The Stingrays will be at the Assiniboine Park Zoo for at least one year, and possibly longer.

WATCH: Assiniboine Park Zoo hosts daily ‘Zoo Chats’ for Spring Break

Click to play video: 'Assiniboine Park Zoo hosts daily ‘Zoo Chats’ for Spring Break'
Assiniboine Park Zoo hosts daily ‘Zoo Chats’ for Spring Break

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