
Vancouver library to start planning downtown ‘garden in the sky’

Standing on the green roof of the Vancouver Public Library under the blazing sun Wednesday, head librarian Sandra Singh takes in the panoramic view of downtown Vancouver.

She’s envisioning a lush garden, quiet reading spaces and folks meeting for lunch at a rooftop café. It’s a dream that after two decades is about to be realized.

The central library has been given the green light from the city to start planning its long-awaited “garden in the sky,” a multi-level outdoor area featuring 16,000 square feet of new public space, including an 8,000 square-foot garden.

Until now, not many people have climbed the steep metal ladder and out the roof hatch to visit the 28,000 square-foot roof since the library was built in 1995.

But that’s about to change. In 2015, when the library reclaims the eighth and ninth floors from the provincial government, it will begin a massive renovation that will incorporate the two extra floors and make the roof accessible to the public.

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“We want to have everything ready to go,” said Singh.

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Covered in thick bunches of blue and green fescue grass, the roof is difficult to walk on, an intentional design to mimic the ebb and flow of the Fraser River when viewed from above. And there are no barricades between the roof and the estimated 30-metre drop the ground below.

“As you can see it’s not designed for public access so there’s a lot of work to do,” said Singh, as she gave media a tour of the green roof on Wednesday.

Green roofs are designed to enhance the environment and provide sustainability by increasing bird habitat, reducing pollutants, storing stormwater run-off and reducing building heating and cooling requirements.

The original design team is already back on board, said Singh, including architect Moshe Safdie and landscape architect Cornelia Oberlander.

So far, the plan is to turn the eighth floor into more indoor community spaces, and the ninth into an area with a grand reading room, two outdoor terraces and a staircase up to the outdoor garden.

“People still want to come to the library to have a quiet space to contemplate, to work, to think and it is very difficult with the current design,” said Singh.

They also hope to have a café on top.

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Half of the green roof will stay as it is and won’t be accessible to the public but there likely will be a viewing platform, she said.

“There will be a real transparency between the indoor space and the outdoor public spaces,” she said.

Singh anticipated that library staff will have some preliminary sketches to share with the public soon and will submit a proposal to city council next year to consider for its 2015-2017 capital plan.

While she doesn’t yet have a cost for the renovations, Singh said some of the money will come from fundraising campaigns. The library has already received its first donation of $250,000 from philanthropist Dr. Yosef Wosk for the public garden.

The “garden in the sky” is part of an ambitious plan to redevelop the library to meet the demands of the 21st century.

Among other plans are to develop digital interfaces to showcase Vancouver’s history and stories, and create a 3,000 square-foot digital media space dubbed VPL’s Inspiration Lab, expected to open in late 2014.

The Inspiration Lab could include a digital recording studio, video editing software and interactive music lab.

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