Kratu, a rescue dog living in the U.K., has won the hearts of many after the pooch epically botched an agility course at the famed Crufts 2019 dog show.
Kratu was centre stage last week, itching to show off his horrific skills on the agility course in front of hundreds of judges and spectators.
The dog, formally known as Baron Kratu von Bearbum, started off the course by successfully nailing his first jump before going on to deliver a disaster of a performance (in showman’s terms, anyway).
“He’s trying to do a course and he doesn’t care very much what he’s actually supposed to do,” a commentator said during Kratu stunning non-performance.
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The adorable dog spent much of the time hiding in a tunnel on the obstacle course, delighting the audience with his non-interest.
“The point is we want the dogs to have fun here and we don’t care if they get it right or not,” the commentator said. “There is actually a proper route that they are supposed to take and Kratu is not taking it… is all I can say.”
That’s because it looks like Kratu is living the best life — a heartwarming thing considering his abusive beginnings.
Kratu began his life living in a Transylvania “travellers camp” before being rescued from an abusive situation as a puppy about five years ago. Tessa Eagle Swan adopted the Carpathian cross Mioritic, that is now a service dog and an ambassador for dog rescue services.
“I am the very first Romanian rescue assistance dog to fly back to Romania with my mom and I became a viral hit at Crufts for my unique freestyle performance!” reads the dog’s official website.
Kratu gained internet fame after his (previous) lacklustre performance in 2018.