The Crown called its final witness on Tuesday in the sexual assault, luring and child pornography trial for Trevor Pritchard.
Detective Leigh Happner with the Alberta Law Enforcement Response Team (ALERT) testified she was responsible for combing through nearly 4,000 pages of Facebook content related to Pritchard and his alias account under the name Philip Fieldcamper.
The alleged victims involved in the case stated they communicated with Pritchard through Facebook.
Happner testified that through her investigation, she believes both the accounts were operated from the same IP addresses at similar dates and times, with both accounts being accessed for the last time on Jan. 18, 2017, the same day Pritchard was arrested by RCMP.
The detective also said both the Pritchard and Fieldcamper accounts had false ages and the user sometimes told people through online chats he was as young as 19 years old. The girls involved in the chats said they were as young as 14.
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Pritchard’s arrest came after an alleged sexual assault was reported against a 15-year-old girl in January of 2017.
Additional charges were laid after more alleged victims were identified.
Pritchard pleaded guilty in April to sexual assault and luring against the first young teenager who came forward.
He has since asked a judge to strike his guilty plea in that case.
Pritchard’s current trial, which began on Nov. 13, is scheduled for three weeks.
Once the Crown has officially finished presenting evidence, the defence will then present its case. They’ve indicated they may call witnesses, including Pritchard’s father.