The leader of the federal Green Party has congratulated the New Brunswick Green Party on its historic breakthrough in Monday’s provincial election.
“When I first won my seat seven years ago, the popular wisdom was that I couldn’t get elected because of first-past-the-post and so we weren’t supposed to be elected at all,” Elizabeth May said in Ottawa on Tuesday.
“I think our success in gaining seats in P.E.I. and New Brunswick bodes really well.”
READ MORE: All our New Brunswick election 2018 coverage
The New Brunswick Green Party picked up three seats on Monday, with leader David Coon retaining his seat in Fredericton South.
Monday’s results were a stark improvement over the Green Party’s fortunes in 2014 that saw Coon become the first Green MLA in the province’s history.
“The people of Fredericton South voted for hope, not fear,” Coon told supporters in Fredericton Monday night.
“They voted for change, not the status quo. And they voted for good, not anger.”
WATCH: David Coon says they’ll ‘shake up’ legislature
Coon’s caucus will include Megan Mitton and Kevin Arsenau.
Mitton won a nail-biter in Memramcook-Tantramar, defeating Liberal candidate Bernard LeBlanc by just 11 votes while Arsenau took Kent North ahead of Liberal candidate Emery Comeau.
With the election of the three New Brunswick candidates, the Green Party now has nine seats in legislatures across the country — two in P.E.I., one in ON, three in BC and three in N.B.
May is the only elected Green Party MP.