
Liquid water, life on Mars — U of M opens up on outer-space

Click to play video: 'Importance of finding water on Mars, according to U of M instructor'
Importance of finding water on Mars, according to U of M instructor
WATCH: University of Manitoba astronomy/physics instructor Danielle Pahud explains just how exciting it is to find liquid water on Mars and how important this development is moving forward – Jul 27, 2018

The University of Manitoba is encouraging residents to explore the galaxies far, far away.

U of M puts on monthly open houses at its Lockhart Planetarium at the Fort Garry campus to explore the hot topics of outer-space.

“Researchers or graduate students from the University will present a topic, then take questions and if it’s a clear night, we’ll use the telescopes to observe,” said University of Manitoba physics and astronomy instructor Danielle Pahud.

One topic that’s always brought up is the exploration of Mars. Pahud said the recent major finding on Mars is a huge development.

“We’ve known there’s been water on Mars for awhile. There’s geological evidence that Mars used to have liquid water. And now, we’ve found currently, that there still is liquid water on Mars,” she said. “This is something that we’ve been looking for, for decades.”

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Pahud said the liquid water brings up a big question.

“We need water to form life. So whether life has existed on Mars is still a burning question, especially with talks of exploring Mars in the future. It’s really exciting.”

Instructors and students look forward to answering questions about anything relating to astronomy.

The next open house, August 29, will explore the history of the moon.

More details about the open house can be found on University of Manitoba’s website.

WATCH: U of M astronomy/physics instructor talks moons, Mars, and monthly open houses with Global News Morning

Click to play video: 'U of M astronomy instructor talks Mars'
U of M astronomy instructor talks Mars

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