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SNL’s Rex Tillerson calls Trump a moron as Jeff Sessions laments Andrew McCabe firing

WATCH: SNL's Rex Tillerson discusses White House firings as Jeff Sessions laments firing Andrew McCabe – Mar 17, 2018

After starring as special counsel Robert Mueller in last week’s SNL cold open, Kate McKinnon returned to her now-familiar role as Attorney General Jeff Sessions in a skit that addressed staff changes in the White House.

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The skit begins with a parody of an Anderson Cooper 360 broadcast, with Cooper, played by Alex Moffat, asking Sessions to explain the firing of FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe.

Asked if it was his decision to fire McCabe, Sessions replies, “I’m just a simple man who wanted to make things bad for immigrants, and here I am taking away the pension of a Christian white. It ain’t right!”

READ MORE: Ex-FBI deputy director Andrew McCabe shares notes about Trump with Robert Mueller

However, the highlight of the cold open was the appearance of recently ousted secretary of state Rex Tillerson, played by actor John Goodman.

At one point during the interview, Tillerson appears to be trembling, prompting Cooper to ask if he’s okay.

“It’s just crazy how one day you’re the CEO of Exxon, a $50 billion company, and the next day you get fired by a man who used to sell steaks in the mail,” Tillerson responds, crushing his glass of water with his bare hands in a failed attempt to contain his frustration.

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WATCH: Robert Mueller “breaks up” with charging Trump with collusion on SNL

Cooper then introduces guests Michael Wolff, author of the tell-all book “Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House,” and Anthony Scaramucci, who had a short-lived 11-day tenure as President Donald Trump’s director of communications.

Scaramucci offers commiserations to Tillerson over his firing, suggesting that this means they now have something in common, while Wolff claims that he knew months ago that Tillerson was going to be fired.

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READ MORE: IQ test jibe against Rex Tillerson was ‘a joke,’ White House confirms

Tillerson then blurts out, “Trump is a moron” before laughing nervously.

“Sorry, I just blurted that one out. Feels nice to say what I want. Call Jurassic Park because the Rexy is loose!” he exclaims, while attempting to impersonate a Tyrannosaurus Rex.

READ MORE: Kate McKinnon stars as Robert Mueller in SNL spoof of ‘The Bachelor’ finale

Cooper then asks Scaramucci who he thinks might be next to go from the Trump White House, to which he responds, “Jared Kushner’s toast,” before backing up and asking Cooper, “Hold on, you’re not recording this right?” — Scaramucci famously lambasted former chief of staff Reince Preibus during a phone call with a New Yorker reporter, before later claiming he didn’t know the conversation was being recorded.

SNL’s Cooper reminds Scaramucci that he’s on live television, but Scaramucci slips up again moments later, revealing that he’s the anonymous source in Wolff’s new book.

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He then scolds himself in Italian for putting his foot in his mouth.

WATCH: Alec Baldwin’s Trump returns to discuss gun violence in SNL cold open

Cooper also asks Wolff who he thinks is likely to replace McCabe as the FBI’s deputy director.

Wolff replies that his sources tell him the job is down to two candidates — “[former] Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke, or the president’s favourite TV detective, Monk.”
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Saturday Night Live airs on Global TV

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