More than half of the members of parliament feel that the churlish behaviour in the daily Question Period in the Commons is demeaning and hurtful, according to a new survey.
Well, thanks for that, Captain Obvious!
Anyone who has attempted to watch the daily free-for-all has seen the desk thumping and obnoxious insults shouted across the floor.
It’s like watching a bunch of pre-schoolers on a sugar high.
It’s sad and embarrassing to see our elected leaders carrying on in such a bizarre manner.

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All the questions are pre-scripted and the responses are crafted, not to offer insight into an issue, but to hurl insult and innuendo at the MP asking the question.
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Backbench MPs are told that their role is to thump their desks and hoot and holler as the stars of their team, the front bench ministers and critics, act out this theatre of the absurd.
But, even though the majority of MPs are embarrassed by the behaviour in Question Period, more than 60 per cent of them say that they wouldn’t want to see it change because it’s part of the Canadian parliamentary tradition.
So, looks like our esteemed federal government members will continue to act like members of a Jerry Springer audience. Makes you proud doesn’t it?
Bill Kelly is the host of the Bill Kelly Show on AM900 CHML.