It’s been nearly one year since a wildfire devastated parts of the northern Alberta city of Fort McMurray. Here is a look at the rebuild by the numbers:
1,595: Number of buildings and structures destroyed in the fire. Includes 2,579 dwelling units.
650: Approximate number of development permits issued by Fort McMurray since the fire, representing about 900 dwelling units.
222: Number of single-family homes started in the first three months of the year. Most starts in a three-month stretch since early 2008.
READ MORE: Mayor doesn’t foresee big population shift after Fort McMurray wildfire
179: Number of homebuilders that have registered under new disclosure laws to do work in the Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo.
33: Approximate number of families living in rebuilt homes as of the start of April.
48,000: Roughly the total number of insurance claims expected to be processed. Includes 12,000 auto claims and 25,000 home claims.
$80,000: Average insurance payout per claim.
$3.8 billion: Estimated total payout in insurance claims.
READ MORE: Fort McMurray wildfire: $3.6B in damage, says Insurance Bureau of Canada

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9.8: Unemployment rate for the Wood Buffalo-Cold Lake area as of March 2016.
9.1: Unemployment rate for the Wood Buffalo-Cold Lake area as of March 2017.
600: Approximate decline in student numbers in public and Catholic schools for 2016-2017 year. Total enrolment slightly more than 11,000 between the two school systems.
1.5 million: Average barrels of oil per day produced from the oilsands before the fire.
3 million: Record high number of barrels per day produced from the oilsands in November, six months after the fire.
12,000: Estimated number of fridges and freezers that had to be replaced, according to Insurance Bureau of Canada.
READ MORE: What happens to all the fridges thrown out after Fort McMurray wildfire?
$660,000: Median home price in March 2016 on 21 homes sold.
$560,000: Median sale price of the 45 single detached homes sold in March.
11: Number of single family vacant lots sold in March, at a median sale price of $156,000, compared with none sold in March 2016.
17.8: Total vacancy rate for Wood Buffalo as of October 2016. A year earlier it stood at 29.3 per cent.
READ MORE: ‘There was food left on plates’: Fort McMurray pub tackles big clean up job
29,068: Number of mental-health-related client contacts between May 10, 2016, and March 18, 2017, at Alberta Health Services Addiction and Mental Health in Fort McMurray and Wood Buffalo.
$189 million: Total amount of money donated to the Red Cross.
READ MORE: Fort McMurray wildfire victims praise Canadian Red Cross’ help: ‘Thank you to the nation’
$134 million: Total value of donations that were matched by the federal and provincial governments.
$231 million: Total amount the Red Cross says it has allocated to support individuals and families.
$30 million: Total amount the Red Cross says it has allocated to support small businesses.
$50 million: Total amount the Red Cross says it has allocated to support community groups.
10,900: The number of plane and bus tickets the Red Cross booked to help people return home.
37,000: The number of cleanup kits handed out to returning evacuees.
6,000 per cent: The surge in social media traffic the Red Cross saw in the aftermath of the fire.
40: The number of volunteers required to manage the Red Cross social media accounts.