
Manitoba participates in attempt to break snow angel Guinness World Record

Manitoba joins in attempt to break Guinness World Record. Christopher Stanton/Global News

WINNIPEG — Skiers and ski patrollers at Red River Zone attempt to break a Guinness World Record Saturday.

The current record is 15,851 snow angels being made at the same time in multiple locations.

Saturday, hopes are that record will be broken.

Skiers and ski patrollers at Red River Zone said this is being held as part of Canadian Ski Patrol Day. It’s a day focused around honouring the life-saving work that over four-thousand volunteer ski patrollers provide.

At Red River Zone, there are currently 25 volunteer ski patrollers who provide first aid and medical services to skiers and snowboarders.

Many will take part in the event to lend an angel in hopes of breaking the Guinness World Record.

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