
Vandalism, swastika graffiti removed from North Kildonan school

The school division has removed graffiti on the outside of Maple Leaf School in North Kildonan. Colton Goforth/Global News

WINNIPEG — Graffiti on the walls of a North Kildonan elementary school, including lewd language and spray painted swastikas, has been removed.

The tags on Maple Leaf School had been noticed on Friday and garnered reaction on a variety of community groups on social media. The graffiti was on several large walls of the school; most prominently featuring swastika symbols painted in green.

As of Sunday, the River East Transcona School Division had scrubbed and removed the graffiti before students attended school.

North Kildonan city councillor Jeff Browaty said he is disturbed by the “hateful” messaging on the walls of the school.

“That has no place in Canadian society, in our city, and in our neighbourhood,” Browaty said.

“The messaging and the tone of the graffiti is totally not what North Kildonan and what Winnipeg is known for.”

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Browaty said he had been in contact with several school division trustees and is pleased that the community acted quickly to denounce the vandalism and to remove it before school children were exposed to it.

“It was important that the children and the community doesn’t see this type of thing all over the place. We’re pretty in our community about addressing these things quickly, whether it’s public or private property.

Winnipeg Police said they had not received any criminal complaints specific to the incident and that there is not a recorded a higher frequency of vandalism within North Kildonan and surrounding neighbourhoods.

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