
Dieppe’s ‘Iron Biby’ wins hearts after being crowned one of world’s strongest men

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Dieppe’s ‘Iron Biby’ wins hearts after being crowned one of world’s strongest men
WATCH ABOVE: A Dieppe, N.B. man has put Canada on the podium at an international strong man competition, but the work Iron Biby does with his heart just might be his biggest strength. Global’s Shelley Steeves explains – Sep 12, 2016

Dieppe strongman “Iron Biby” has been been named one of the strongest young men in the world, however it might actually be his heart that’s his strongest muscle.

The powerhouse of a man, whose real name is Cheick Sanou, placed third at the World Junior Ultimate Strongman competition in Gatineau, Que., last week.

How? Well the 350-pound man hauled a 22-ton transport truck and flipped 950-pound tires like they were toys. His goal was to win a title for Canada.

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That he did, refusing to give up even when he had to take oxygen to maintain his strength. He now carries the title of the world’s third strongest man 24 years old or younger.

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But, it turns out his most powerful muscle just might be his heart.

“There is a lot of hate in this world now and a lot of violence but we don’t need that, we all have to help each other,” Biby said.

Despite the title and major success, it’s his work helping children that Biby is most proud of.

“There are some kids they have nothing, so I buy food for them and it was amazing” Biby said.

Every year Biby travels to his homeland in Burkina Faso hoping to inspire young orphans to follow their dreams.

“To show people that we should never give up, we always have to go no matter what as long as we are breathing we can do something.”

Biby says some of the kids he sees are much stronger than he is, wondering where they will get their next meal or if they will ever have a family to call their own.

Cynthia Boudreau is one of Biby’s trainers. She says he’s a fantastic role models for kids.

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“Kids see him and are like ‘Wow I want to be like him someday,’ or they see him lift strong stuff it makes kids smile and want to be better in life, I believe,” said Boudreau.

Biby says he is also working to help kids here in Canada too. He plans to offer his support at a local daycare in an effort to give back to his Canadian community.

Biby plans to compete at a senior strongman competition coming up in November, which he says he hopes to win for the kids.

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