MONTREAL – The Directeur général des élections du Québec has released a video aimed at encouraging Quebecers to get out and vote.
A crie de coeur for democracy, it begins with a citation of the province’s gloomy voting statistics.
“In 2008 we saw the lowest voter turnout in a Quebec general election since 1927 at just 57%.”
It’s apocalyptic tone hints at the dangers of not voting: “At this pace, democracy, our democracy, will decline and eventually disappear.”
Fade to black . . . and then to a more positive take on why voting is so important.
“Your vote represents power – real power . . . The power to say yay or nay . . . to propose solutions . . . to criticize . . .”
The video is part of an ongoing campaign by the institution to increase the number of voters at the polls on September 4.
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With a summer election just two months after Quebec’s moving day on July 1, the Director General’s office anticipates a significant number of address change applications.
“It is crucial to remember that an elector whose name does not appear on the list of electors in his polling subdivision does not have the right to vote,” Mr. Jacques Drouin, Chief Electoral Officer of Québec
“That is why it is important to check that you are correctly entered and to make sure that the information concerning you on the list of electors is accurate.”
Can you vote in Quebec? Click here to find out.
Sound off: Were you surprised by the stats in the video? Will it get you to the polls? If not, why? Let us know on Facebook.