
Okanagan fruit could go farther with B.C. fruit replanting grant

For the last 100 years, Steve Day’s family has grown fruit. But it is not easy being a fruit grower so the Kelowna farmer is happy to hear the B.C. government is giving $2 million to help growers re-plant high-demand varieties.

“It’s always good news when there is some new money that is committed to agriculture,” Day said.

The money will be spread out over three years. The hope is to make premium apple varieties like Ambrosia and Gala more competitive not just locally but also in new, untapped markets.

“Sadly Ontario had a really tough time with weather this late spring,” said Don McRae, B.C. agriculture minister. “Their crop is devastated. There’s another alternative for the fruit growers in this valley, to maybe market in an area that they have not been able to get into in the same degree they wanted to. If they can show off the great fruit in that area, hopefully they can stay there and that’s another opportunity.”

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The B.C. Fruit Growers’ Association estimates the money will be enough to replant roughly 350 acres. While it may not seem like a lot, the association believes it will help the industry move forward.

“It’s economically tough times that we are going through and the government is going through so for them to come up with $2 million, we really appreciate it,” said Kirpal Boparai of the B.C. Fruit Growers’ Association.

Day also appreciates the grants. He will likely apply for money for four acres but adds growers still need help with things like regulation and the U.S. dollar.

“The change in the Canadian-U.S. dollar, it was a huge deal,” he said. “It happened quickly. We great fruit for a long time on a 75 cent dollar so to be at par now, it directly impacts the bottom line.”

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