
Donations pour in for Syrian families arriving in Edmonton

Several local organizations are arranging donations that continue to come in for Syrian refugee families arriving in Edmonton.

“Right now we’re processing an overwhelming volume of support from the community,” Erick Ambtman said. Ambetman is the executive director of the Edmonton Mennonite Centre for Newcomers.

The Edmonton Mennonite Centre for Newcomers, Islamic Family Social Services Association, the Edmonton Emergency Relief Services and many other groups came together Tuesday to sort and catalogue the mountain of donations.

Ambtman said Edmontonians have been incredibly generous.

However, Edmonton is expected to host hundreds of refugees from Syria, so more work needs to be done.

The basement of the Emergency Relief Centre is at capacity, but the groups will still need volunteers over the next few weeks to sort and package the donations.

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READ MORE: Syrian family welcomed to Edmonton as massive wave of refugees expected to follow 

The organizations are also putting together an emergency fund that will meet any outstanding needs, so monetary donations are still needed.

“This is going to be a head start,” said Ambtman. “They’re literally arriving with nothing.”

Volunteers have been collecting and sorting clothes, household items, and things like diapers and toiletries that will help support Syrian families hoping to start new lives in the Edmonton area.

Halima Al-Turk was sorting clothes by gender and age group.

For her, there is a personal connection to the cause.

“I’m from Lebanon and back home I used to hear the bombs coming down in Syria,” she said.

“Just seeing them on TV and hearing kids crying, you just want to help out and do the best you can.”

Click here for information on how you can offer support.

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