EDMONTON – Blood banks tend to run lower this time of year, especially when it comes to blood from four-legged friends. NAIT held an animal blood drive Saturday for canine blood.
In order to donate, dogs must be between one and eight years old, be healthy and even-tempered, weigh more than 23 kilograms and be up-to-date with their vaccinations.
Dogs accepted into the program are asked to donate every 3 months.
READ MORE: Dog blood donors: yes, they’re a real thing
NAIT provides 20 per cent of Canada’s canine blood supply. Edmonton is the only satellite collection location in Alberta for the Canadian Animal Blood Bank.
READ MORE: Animal blood bank receives help from EPS Canine Unit

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Blood donor clinics are held at NAIT one evening a week, with the day varying to meet dog owners’ schedules. Anyone interested in donating is asked to contact the Animal Health Clinic at the NAIT main campus.