
Law professors post open letter over Gormley tweet

University of Saskatchewan law professors post open letter distancing themselves from John Gormley’s tweet after the Paris terrorist attacks. U of S College of Law / Screenshot

SASKATOON – The fallout continues for a Saskatoon radio host for a tweet sent right after the terrorist attacks in Paris. Gormley tweeted that the “Next guy in a Western democracy who chants “Allah Ahkbar” we shoot.”

Over the weekend, 20 professors from the College of Law at the University of Saskatchewan posted an open letter to distance themselves from the tweet.

The letter states the Twitter comment offended many students, faculty and staff at the college, where Gormley is an adjunct professor.

“The twitter comment, highly demeaning to members of the Muslim faith, has offended many students, faculty and staff at our law school and beyond,” states the letter posted to the college’s webpage.

“We were astounded by Mr. Gormley’s comment and, in the strongest terms, disassociate ourselves with his remarks and the sentiments conveyed in these remarks.”

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IN DEPTH: Paris Attacks

The letter goes on to state the college aspires to be inclusive and tolerant, and to respect different races, cultures and faith.

“Law itself should be a place where people can enter ‘from many doors’ and where people can build, rather than tear down, the foundations of community.”

“Unfortunately, Mr. Gormley’s twitter comment is the antithesis of this sentiment.”

Gormley has since deleted the tweet and apologized.

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