
From 3 cents to $3.25: a brief history of TTC fare hikes

Riding a TTC streetcar in 1921 would cost three cents. Library and Archives Canada

On Monday, the TTC board voted to hike its cash fares for the second straight year, and the sixth time since 2010.

The 25-cent increase aims to help address a massive budget shortfall in 2016.

Mayor John Tory even suggested an annual fare increase, sure to be a unpopular proposition.

The 2016 cash fare rises to $3.25, while a token increases to $2.90. It’s a far cry from the early days of the Toronto Transportation Commission, when a ride cost all of three cents.

Budget shortfalls are a perpetual problem for the TTC; it’s been nearly 50 years since fares last covered operating costs, and provincial subsidies disappeared in 1996.

Here’s an abbreviated history of price hikes and other events in the TTC timeline.

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