
Vancouver men kick off Movember 2015 with a close shave

Now that Halloween is out of the way, many men will be sporting new facial hair as part of Movember, a global campaign in support of prostate cancer research and other men’s health issues.

Several men gathered at Vancouver’s 18th Amendment Barber Shop for a clean shave and to kick off Movember in style. Registered participants need to start the month with a whiskerless face before cultivating their facial hair to raise funds and awareness.

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“Movember is a global movement,” said Matt Skinner, co-committee chair for Movember Vancouver. “It started in Australia and has grown to countries all over the world. It’s been especially successful here in Canada. We have raised over $175 million.”

In addition to raising funds, Skinner said Movember also aims to spark conversations about men’s health.

“The moustache has been an incredibly fun way to prompt a lot of these conversations that are tough,” he said. “It’s a great way for men to really come together and support each other.”

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Skinner said women can show their support by becoming a Mo Sista and taking part in the MOVE campaign, a 30-day physical fitness challenge.

-With files from Jennifer Palma

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