
Tory hopes to repair Toronto’s ‘tarnished’ reputation with London trip

TORONTO — Mayor John Tory is hoping to show British officials Toronto is “under new management” in a trip to the UK Tuesday night.

“I think the biggest part of success would be that people understand that Toronto is under new management…I don’t think people should underestimate the degree to which, internationally, this city had become – what some people described it as a laughing stock,” Tory said at a press conference Tuesday morning.

“But certainly, our reputation, I think, was tarnished and I think we need to get back to people focusing on the great strengths and talents and diversity and economic dynamism that exists in the city.”

READ MORE: Ford plans to ‘sell Toronto’ during trip to Austin, Texas

Tory was no doubt referring to the international attention former Mayor Rob Ford brought on the city after he admitted to using crack cocaine.

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Ford did not travel to the UK while in office, but did visit then-Austin, Texas Mayor Lee Leffingwell and Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel.

He also appeared on Jimmy Kimmel’s late night show in March 2014.

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READ MORE: Mayor Rob Ford makes appearance on Jimmy Kimmel’s Oscar special

Tory leaves for London Tuesday evening to meet with London Mayor Boris Johnson and other officials, adding that he isn’t going empty handed.

The Mayor tweeted a photo saying he picked up gifts for the London Mayor, including a toque, keychain, buttons and other items.

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Tory’s business mission will include visits to the London Crossrail, which served as the inspiration for the Mayor’s SmartTrack project, and Canary Warf to seek inspiration for possible Toronto Port Lands development.

READ MORE: Tory announces trip to London, visiting Mayor Boris Johnson

“Focus people on investing here and coming to live here. We want the best and the brightest of the world to come here because this is one of the most livable cities in the world,” Tory said.

“I’m hopeful that I could introduce myself on this particular stage, as I will do elsewhere and that’s going to be the first step in hopefully attracting more people to come here and create jobs.”

Tory’s UK trip will take place between Oct. 21 to Oct. 23.

Janet Cordahi/ Global News

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