Okay, Canada: Our protracted national democracy-fest is coming to an end: Election day is Monday, Oct. 19.
Slept through the past 75 days of politicking? Don’t despair: We’ve got you covered.
We’ve got detailed dissections of platforms here:
What each of the parties has promised
We’ve put together a party platform cheat sheet to help guide you through the morass of promises and rhetoric:
Where the parties overlap:
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NDP and Liberals:
- Reform EI.
- Expedite immigration and refugee processing.
- More family-class refugees.
- Reform access-to-information.
- Tax incentives for rental units.
NDP and Conservatives:
- Give auto companies cash
- Stop appointing Senators.
NDP and Greens:
- Repeal C-51.
- Proportional representation.
Conservatives, NDP and Liberals:
- Cut small business taxes.
- Fund clean technologies.
What sets them apart:
Targeted tax cuts. Virtually all their promises – to parents, students, seniors, businesses – take the form of tax cuts or credits.
- Lower payroll taxes
- Tax breaks for single seniors.
- Tax breaks and taxable cash for families with young kids.
- Money for apprenticeships and people taking off work to care for babies or sick relatives.
- Permanent home reno tax credit.
- $15-a-day childcare by 2023.
- Universal pharmacare.
- Carbon cap-and-trade.
- Higher corporate taxes.
- More tax-free cash for families earning less than $200,000; no cash for families earning more than that.
- Increased and expanded student grants, and don’t repay student loans til you’re making at least $25,000.
- Amend C-51.
- Study electoral reform.
- Infrastructure cash infusion, paid for with $10-billion annual deficits for three years.
- Abolish tuition.
- No new bitumen exports.
- End oilsands expansion now, and all fossil fuel use by 2050.
- No whipped votes.
- Dental care for poor kids.