
Pastor begins casket cleanup on live TV after South Carolina flooding forces dead from graves

One of the ugly side effects of flooding has started to literally pop out of the ground in South Carolina. Previously buried caskets could be seen floating in rising flood waters as early as Monday.

In an extraordinary humanitarian effort, one Charleston pastor took it upon himself to begin retrieving the floating coffins on live television. He claimed “it’s the human thing to do.”

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“This family don’t want to sit out here on the edge of this road all night watching their families bob in the water out there. That’s just not who we are,” Wayne Reeves of New Life Ministries in Summerville told WCBD.

The pastor walked out of a live interview and began wading through the murky waters as astonished onlookers couldn’t help but watch.

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“If that was my momma or dad I would walk through hell and high water, and today it happens to be high water.”

Reeves was able to collect the vault of a woman buried at Canaan United Methodist Church as recently as May. A second vault, belonging to her husband, was retrieved by local police, according to the NBC affiliate.

READ MORE: Man uses kayak to search for survivors of South Carolina flooding

Severe flooding has ravaged parts of the state, leaving 12 dead at this writing and many more without a home to sleep in.

Dorchester County officials have said that flood damage to the area will be assessed once water recedes – something that is expected later in the week.


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