
Tory blasts Rob Ford with ‘Pinocchio’ remark

TORONTO – Mayor John Tory says Rob Ford has no right lecturing him about honesty.

Tory had a blistering response Wednesday after Ford accused him of lying to the public over his campaign pledge to privatize trash collection.

“If it came to having a chat with somebody about honesty and I had a choice between Pinocchio and Mr. Ford, I would pick Pinocchio.”

“I’m here to administer the affairs of the city in the best way I know how… When the election comes, people will have to decide if they want to see a rerun of a horror movie they’ve been through or not,” Tory said.

READ MORE: Rob Ford says mayor is ‘lying to the public’ on privatization of garbage collection

Ford made his remarks Tuesday after a review of the curbside waste collection was deferred by the Public Works and Infrastructure committee.

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The staff report recommended the city not proceed with the privatization of garbage collection east of Yonge and promoted mixed system.

“It’s appalling, that’s what it is,” Ford said Tuesday.

“Every debate he said, ‘I’m going to privatize garbage.’ … It’s a strong word but, he’s lying to the public,” said Ford.

Tory stood by the committee’s decision to defer the discussions.

“The mayor supports the decision by the Public Works and Infrastructure Committee,” Tory’s spokeswoman Amanda Galbraith said Tuesday.

“The mayor remains committed to providing Toronto residents the best service at the lowest cost.”

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