WATCH ABOVE: Hackers appear to have followed through on a promise to release the personal information of users of the controversial Canadian-owned website Ashley Madison. Robin Gill reports.
Over 600 federal government email addresses appear on a list of people who subscribed to the Canadian-owned Web site Ashley Madison, which caters to married people hoping to have an affair.
A total of 163 subscribers appeared to have used the domain assigned to the military. Sixteen came from the RCMP, and one address was registered to the secretive Communications Security Establishment, which guards government communications.
Some 222 Ontario government email addresses appear on the data, including 118 from the province’s Ministry of the Attorney General, which administers the province’s courts.
READ MORE: Complete coverage of the Ashley Madison hacking scandal
After eliminating duplicates, there are 273,320 ‘.ca’ or Canadian-registered, email addresses in the data.
Fourteen addresses appear to belong to people working in the federal prison system, and ten from the foreign service.

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In all, at least 62 addresses are assigned to Canadian police forces, with 11 from Ontario’s Peel Regional Police and seven from the Toronto police.
On Tuesday, hackers apparently made good on threats to publish data on 32 million users of the service.
WATCH: The Ashley Madison data breach allegedly includes 15,000 emails that trace back to U.S. government accounts. Wyatt Andrews reports.
Experts said the data appeared to be authentic, in the sense of actually being from and not faked. However, the quality of the original data is questionable – users didn’t have to verify their email addresses when they started an account.
However, the majority of the Canadian addresses seem to at least plausibly belong to real people.
Over 15,000 addresses in the Ashley Madison data are linked to U.S. federal, state or local government agencies. They include 6,788 U.S. Army addresses, and U.S. Navy addresses linked to specific warships – 18 sailors aboard the amphibious assault ship USS Kearsarge apparently used the service.
Email addresses are also linked to federal and state correctional officers.
Governments have long recognized that people hiding an affair from a spouse are vulnerable to blackmail.
In 2012, retired U.S. Army Gen. David Petraeus was forced to resign as director of the Central Intelligence Agency after his affair with his biographer, Paula Broadwell, came to light.