Summary: This new riding is a smaller version of the former Mississauga-Erindale riding, which elected Conservative MP Bob Dechert in 2008 and 2011. He is running for re-election here. Dechert defeated the Liberal MP, Omar Alghabra, to win the seat in 2008, and defeated him again in 2011. Alghabra is now running in another riding, and Dechert will face a new Liberal challenger.
Boundaries: This riding used to extend all the way east to Mavis Road. That eastern portion has now moved into the new Mississauga-Centre riding, and this riding stops at the Credit River.

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Last Election: In Mississauga-Erindale in 2011, Conservative Dechert earned 47 per cent of the vote, defeating Liberal Alghabra, who earned 34 per cent. If these new boundaries had been in effect, the Conservatives would have earned 46.6 per cent, and the Liberals 34.4 per cent.
History: This seat was won by long-time Liberal MP Carolyn Parrish when it was created in 2004. She did not re-offer after being expelled from the party caucus. Alghabra held the seat for the Liberals for just one term before his defeat by Dechert.
Demographics: There are an average of 1.4 children in every household, fifth highest in Ontario. 16.1 per cent of people identified as Muslim in the last National Household Survey, third highest in Ontario.
Conservative: Bob Dechert, MP
NDP: Michelle Bilek, diversity trainer
Liberal: Iqra Khalid, legal professional
Green: Andrew Roblin, banking advisor