Summary: An urban riding between Montreal and Quebec City, the NDP look to be re-elected in Trois-Rivières.
Boundaries: The riding contains most urban parts of Trois-Rivières, excluding Pointe-du-Lac to the west. The riding has lost the northeastern, rural areas of Trois-Rivières through redistribution, but has added the western edge of the city.
Last Election: NDP candidate Robert Aubin defeated three-term BQ MP Paule Brunelle by 29.8 per cent.
Had this riding existed in the last election, the NDP would have taken it by 25.5 per cent more votes than the BQ (based on polling results).
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History: The riding has existed since Canada’s first election in 1867 (then known as “Three Rivers”) and has followed a similar pattern to many Quebec electoral districts outside the Island of Montreal—they elected BQ candidates from 1993 to 2011, PC candidates in 1984 and 1988, and Liberal candidates for some time prior to that.
Demographics: The riding has the third highest percentage of seniors (as of the 2011) census in the province, at 21.2 per cent. 24.6 per cent said in the National Household Survey that they weren’t religious, the fourth highest number in Quebec.
Conservative: Dominic Therrien, sports lawyer and former minor league baseball player for the Atlanta Braves organization
NDP: Robert Aubin, MP since 2011
Liberal: Yvon Boivin, manager at Revenu Québec and co-founder of Coalition d’Aide aux Victimes de la Pyrrhotite
Green: Éric Trottier
Bloc Québécois: André Valois, retired accountant
Libertarian: Maxime Rousseau