
Good news for senior forced to sell home for Regina bypass

REGINA – Gertrude Frank, 83, has lived in her home off Highway 6 for the past 35 years, raising four children in the farmhouse with her late husband.

However, now she’s packing up as the Regina Bypass is going to be built right over her property.

“It’s sad that I have to leave it, this whole house. But if the government says they want it, they’ll take it anyways,” said Frank.

Gertrude was originally told she needed to be out of her house by the end of the month.

“I don’t have the money saved up so that I can build a new house. I don’t know what will happen. We’re just living from day to day,” she said.

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The senior was also originally told that she would have to leave behind a prized possession, an ornate built-in China cabinet made by her late husband.

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“It’s special built. He put all his effort into that,” she said. “When we said we wanted to take this and that along, they said we would have to buy it back. I said, ‘well I don’t buy back my own stuff. I won’t’.”

Normally, built-ins are included in the purchase of a house, but after Global News contacted the Ministry of Highways and Infrastructure, they agreed to make an exception.

“In this case, we’re committed to working with Ms. Frank, and we’ll allow her to keep her cabinets,” said spokesperson Steve Shaheen.

After finding paperwork that was being held up at a lawyer’s office, the money for the house will also soon be transferred to Frank’s bank account.

“We’ll be able to process payment as early as next week,” said Shaheen.

However the best news is that Frank is no longer moving under the pressure of a quick eviction:”She’ll be able to stay in her home throughout the winter months,” said Shaheen.

“What? That’s great news. For sure? That’s great news. Then I can make it slowly. Thank you,” said Frank, after Global News told her the news on Sunday.

Gertrude plans to rebuild on another part of her property and already has a prefabricated house picked out.


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