
Breakfast back on:Alta Tories mend fences with AUMA over pork-barrel comments

EDMONTON – The minister in charge of Alberta’s towns and cities says the government feud with the head of the Alberta Urban Municipalities Association is over.

Doug Griffiths says AUMA head Linda Sloan has told him she never made incendiary published comments on alleged pork-barrel funding for cities.

Griffiths says he is taking Sloan at her word, and he and his colleagues will attend an AUMA breakfast meeting Thursday in Edmonton, where he will ask to address the meeting to clear the air.

Griffiths had told Sloan earlier that they would not attend the breakfast meeting to protest comments she made to the newspaper alleging that funding for municipalities is tied to who is friends with the governing PCs.

The minister says funding has always been tied to an objective set of transparent criteria based on need.

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Sloan also said she felt AUMA was not consulted properly on last week’s budget; Griffiths says they’ve agreed to disagree on that.

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