
Festival of Words opens in Moose Jaw

The Saskatchewan Festival of Words is taking place in Moose Jaw. Global News

REGINA – The Saskatchewan Festival of Words is taking place in Moose Jaw this weekend.

The literary event brings writers in from across the country to lead workshops and perform their work.

This is the 19th year that the festival has taken place and over 40 presenters will take to the stage at one of the nine locations over the weekend.

While people have their reading preferences, the festival can expose them to genres they might not think they would enjoy.

“I’ve learned that I love poetry,” said Ilonka Halsband, who has attended the festival 16 times. “I would have never picked up a poetry book before coming to the festival but having it read to you, after a while you think ‘hey this is actually pretty good stuff’.”

The event runs until noon on Sunday.


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