
Town of Bouctouche proposes amalgamation with local service district

BOUCTOUCHE, N.B. – Mayor Aldeo Saulnier says merging his community of Bouctouche with the Wellington Local Service District would benefit all residents involved.

“We want to grow with our friends our neighbors,” said Saulnier. “The population would double up our budget so it’s really very interesting for the town of Bouctouche to have that.”

The mayor made the comments at the launch of an information campaign about amalgamation. The campaign includes a web site, planned meetings and information for people with questions about the merger.

Archie Bastarache is a resident of the district and speaks for a group pushing the amalgamation. He says joining Bouctouche means a future for his community.

“Bouctouche is a growing place. There’s no tax hikes since 2005 while our taxes go up 2-3 per cent every year – why? We don’t generate any money,” he said.

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The committee pushing the merger is called ‘Stronger Together.’

It lists access to the gas tax fund and a development plan adapted to the Wellington local service district among other benefits.

If residents vote for the merger, it would follow several other mergers that have taken place across the province.

Benoit Bourque is the Liberal elected member for the riding.

“It’s really important that democracy is respected in this case,” he said. “But having said that we feel it’s worth while to look into this to explain and give them the good and the bad.”

But not all district residents are convinced amalgamation is a good idea.

Some are concerned about how it could impact tax rates and they’re not convinced services, like snow plowing, would improve.

Despite the concerns, Bastarache says people need to be informed before making a decision.

“That’s why we want those people to talk to us,” he said. “That’s why today we have all the web sites the phone lines and meetings- we want those people to come out and express their views.”


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