
WATCH: Technophobe-granny relieved her new iPhone is made of chocolate

ABOVE Watch the Christmas prank that’s become a viral video smash

Meet the one person who was relieved they didn’t get an actual iPhone for Christmas this year.

A video uploaded to YouTube by user Jordan Graham shows his grandmother’s reaction upon being given an “iPhone” as a Christmas present.

It’s pretty clear from her reaction that she’s not exactly happy to have received the hot new smartphone.

“The problem is that I really am not equipped to handle this,” she tells Jordan as the cameras roll. “I have a landline phone at home…nobody knows about them anymore, I guess.”

Her disappointment turns to confusion for a moment as Jordan asks her to put the phone in her mouth.

“I beg your pardon?”
“I want you to take a bite out of your phone,” Jordan says playfully, at which point the shoe drops and Granny realizes her phone is actually made of chocolate.

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“Oh, thank God,” she says as her family bursts out laughing.

Posted on YouTube on Christmas Day, the video has already become a viral smash with almost a million views as of Monday afternoon.

ABC 7 News in Chicago reports that the same Grandmother was the victim of a similar prank last year, during which she was given a new Playstation 4.

And just like in the chocolate iPhone prank, she’s more relieved to learn the present isn’t for her.

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