
Alberta’s contentious aircraft now up for sale

A government of Alberta airplane is shown in a handout photo. The Alberta government's controversial fleet of airplanes will soon be gone.
A government of Alberta airplane is shown in a handout photo. The Alberta government's controversial fleet of airplanes will soon be gone. THE CANADIAN PRESS/HO-Government of Alberta

EDMONTON – The government of Alberta’s fleet of aircraft could be yours for $11 million.

The province is selling its fleet of four planes, including two 2006 Beechcraft King Air B200, a 1997 Beechcraft King Air 350 and a 1985 DeHavilland Dash 8-103.

Each aircraft is listed between $1.5 and $5.5 million. They could be listed until Feb. 24, with interested buyers asked to contact Service Alberta Surplus Sales.

The fleet became a lightning rod for controversy for former premier Alison Redford and the PC party.

Redford’s staff booked seats for “false passengers” on government aircraft in order to limit flight access to the former premier, a report from Alberta’s auditor general revealed.

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READ MORE: RCMP confirms it’s investigating allegations against Alison Redford 

The report was leaked to CBC and Global News confirmed the practice took place on government flights.

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Auditor General Merwan Saher agreed to look into the use of government aircraft in March, after being asked by Redford herself.

READ MORE: Alberta government selling controversial planes: Premier Prentice 

In September, one day after being sworn in as premier, Jim Prentice announced the government planes would be sold. Prentice said he and his cabinet decided that, although accessing Alberta’s rural remote communities is important, owning planes is not necessary. He said his cabinet voted unanimously to sell the four planes.

12 15 Plane Sale Notice

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