
New Winnipeggers embrace first winter

WINNIPEG – Typically, most Winnipeggers don’t get much joy from scraping the ice off of their car windows. But for one Brazilian couple, it was an exciting and unique experience.

“I was very happy and excited to do this for the first time,” said Cintia Costa from Belem, Brazil. “And then I also had the chance to remove the snow from my car, so I was very happy.”

Cintia and her husband Eduardo moved to Winnipeg in August so that Eduardo could complete his P.H.D. at  University of Manitoba. So far they have experienced a little bit of summer, autumn and now the beginning of winter. Both of the newcomers have nothing but good things to say.

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“It’s been a great experience to learn how to drive in the snow, you have to be very careful,” said Eduardo.

On Monday, it was -20 degrees in Winnipeg and felt like -32 with the windchill. In Belem, Brazil, the couple’s hometown, it was 29 degrees. A big difference, but the Costa’s say it’s the difference that they love.

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“Touching the snow, walking on the snow, everything, I love it,” said Cintia. “I feel like a child again, I really love it and i think you are blessed to experience this here.”

The couple plans on being in Winnipeg for the next four years. They said the people have been warm and welcoming and that they are looking forward to embracing the winter and skating at The Forks.

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