
Saskatchewan girl helping Haitian children go to school

A 12-year-old Saskatchewan girl is helping underprivileged children in Haiti with their education. / Supplied

SASKATOON – A Saskatchewan girl is helping underprivileged children with their education in a developing country.

It all started a couple years back when Taylor DeVos, 12, was watching a World Vision commercial on TV.

“I got inspired by them and wanted to help and for my tenth birthday that’s all I wanted, to sponsor a child from Haiti because they just got a huge earthquake,” said Devos.

Her parents came through on her birthday wish and Taylor chose Mesline to sponsor online.

The two kids developed a relationship over letters and DeVos learned more about Haiti and the living conditions there.

While perusing a catalogue, Taylor found out she could give more by building schools.

She then set her sights on fundraising. With the help of her family, they started the website, “1 Kids Making a Difference”, where she blogs her journey and accepts donations.

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“Social Media like Twitter and Facebook has helped Taylor reach people from all over the World,” said Cora DeVos, Taylor’s mother.

“The support that she has received from all over Saskatchewan and North America has been incredible over the last two years.”

The DeVos family also began fundraising in Porcupine Plain, Sask. in all sorts of ways from selling Christmas trees or organizing dances.

“Sometimes we were waiting there for a while doing a fundraiser and then we got all nervous because nobody was coming but then all of a sudden there was all these people coming through the door,” said Taylor DeVos.

In November 2013, DeVos was asked to speak at Credit Union Centre (CUC) for We Day in Saskatoon.

Thankfully for DeVos’ nerves, her mother made her a pin with Mesline’s face on it, allowing Taylor to share her story in front of thousands of youth.

Watch the video below: Taylor DeVos speaks at We Day in Saskatoon

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DeVos was delighted to announce this past June she had reached her goal of raising $15,000.

Taylor is donating $10,000 to the Free the Children organization and help build four classrooms at a new school in Manac, Haiti.

The remaining money will go to the organization that originally inspired her, World Vision Canada. These funds will assist the Jaques Romain School Project, which is also in Haiti.

DeVos just recently sent a letter telling 12-year-old Mesline the good news. She says it usually takes a couple months to reach her.

But what’s next for this selfless soon-to-be eighth grader?

She has already set a new goal: raising money to help build more schools and send underprivileged kids to university before she herself graduates high school.

DeVos is also thrilled to have launched a clothing line to fund her future endeavours in making positive change in the world.

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