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3 people charged in connection with Regina’s 3rd homicide of 2024

Three people have been arrested and charged in connection to Regina's third homicide of 2024. All three individuals have made their first court appearance on Thursday morning. Getty Images via gorodenkoff

Following a Canada-wide warrant on July 3 for a man wanted in connection with Regina’s third homicide of 2024, the accused was located and arrested along with two other individuals.

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An investigation began after police were dispatched to the 1900 block of McIntyre Street for a report of a man who had sustained apparent gunshot wounds.

“Officers (secured) the immediate area and requesting the additional resources of the Regina Police Service Major Crimes Unit and Forensic Identification units, as well as the coroner, who confirmed the death to be the result of homicide,” according to a release. “Investigation into this incident led to suspects, which included a 29-year-old male who became the subject of a Canada-wide warrant.”

On Thursday, the accused, Skyler Ochuschayoo of Regina, was located and arrested on warrant in the area of 3rd Avenue and Garnet Street in Regina. Police stated that two women were also arrested and charged.

Police charged Ochuschayoo with first-degree murder and possession of a firearm. Police also charged 29-year-old Dakota Sangwais of Regina with first degree murder and 40-year-old Shanette Pauline Bigknife of Regina is charged with accessory after the fact to murder.

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The accused appeared in Provincial Court on Thursday morning.



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