
B.C. man in Saskatoon aims to set records with electric skateboard journey

Click to play video: 'B.C. man in Saskatoon aims to set records with electric skateboard journey'
B.C. man in Saskatoon aims to set records with electric skateboard journey
WATCH: A Canadian man is looking to skateboard his way toward breaking three Guinness World Records next month. Global's Nicole Healey takes a look at the challenging task he faces. – May 28, 2024

A man from B.C. arrived in Saskatoon Tuesday to begin his electric skateboard journey to the west coast and hopefully tackle some Guinness World Records.

Bradley Smith, 43, will begin his trip alone on June 1 from Saskatoon to Vancouver Island on his electric skateboard.

“I was initially going to go to Calgary but the current record holder in Spain went 2,200 km and I needed to set the bar.”

He is hoping to set electric skateboard records for the longest journey in a 24-hour period, longest journey in a single country and the longest journey in general. His journey will start on Meewasin Trail on Saturday and cover 3500 kilometers along the Trans Canada Trail.

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Smith said this has been his five-year dream, calling it the “road to records.”

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“In the last year or so, I’ve been mapping in Canada if I could get away with it,” he said.

He said the struggle will be making it from town to town, as towns in Canada are often spaced further apart than in Europe where the current records were set. In his first day, he plans to travel from Saskatoon to North Battleford.

This isn’t Smith’s first boarding journey, saying 20 years ago he did a manual push on a longboard from St. Johns, Nfld., to Victoria, B.C.

“That kind of started my drive for long-distance journeys by board and once I got wind of an electric board, I thought it would save my legs and be way more fun and started going back and forth from Victoria to Sydney and different parts of the island,” he said.

He expects his journey to take about a month.

Click to play video: 'Travel Drumheller organizing Guinness World Record attempt'
Travel Drumheller organizing Guinness World Record attempt

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