
Rotary club cites lack of members as reason for no Canada Day fireworks

Rotary Club of Guelph says they will not be able to organize this year's Canada Day fireworks show. Getty Images

It will likely be a much quieter and less bright Canada Day celebration at Riverside Park.

The Rotary Club of Guelph informed the City back in March that they would be unable to take the lead in the planning and execution of the fireworks show on July 1.

In a statement, the Rotary Club cites declining membership due to COVID-19 as a reason why they are not holding a Canada Day fireworks show.

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They say there was a discussion about the future of the fireworks show at their February board meeting.

Rotary says they no longer can plan and deliver a celebration worthy of the day or the city.

But they say they will be supporting the city with whatever plans officials develop.

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In an email to Global News, the city said it will not host fireworks for Canada Day.

Manager of Culture and Recreation Danna Evans said there will be diverse programming available to encourage people to gather for celebration or commemoration.


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