Shifting Gears is officially underway in Peterborough, Ont., and surrounding areas. The challenge, run through GreenUP, encourages participants to choose sustainable transportation methods.
“Shifting gears is a monthly challenge where we invite people to get out of their cars and instead walk, cycle, take transit or even telecommute during the month of May,” GreenUP transportation co-ordinator Ashley Burnie said.
“It has been happening since 2004 so this is our 20th year of Shifting Gears.”
To participate, you simply sign up online at the GreenUP website and track your ‘green’ trips each week. Weekly prizes and a grand prize are up for grabs.
“Many people are new who are signing up this year, which is great because we are reaching a new audience,” Burnie said.
“Many folks who have signed up over the last decade aren’t signing up but what we’ve found is it’s because they are doing it already, they are automatically making the shift when the season begins and that is an exciting thing to experience as well.”

A number of community partners are also involved in the month-long challenge. B!ke: The Peterborough Community Bike Shop is playing host to a variety of related workshops, meant to encourage cycling in the region.

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Outreach co-ordinator Ness Pringle has been busy helping people tune up their bikes for the season.
“We recommend that people do an ‘ABC’ quick check on their bike,” they said. “(It) stands for air, brakes and chains and some people will also include the quick releases (the mechanism on some bikes that release the tires).”
They said within each category there are a number of things to look for.
“I would look for things like cracking in the tire, the tire health and lastly you can check for air. Maybe you have wear on the brake pads or an issue with the cables, clean your chain and relubricate the chain but make sure you wipe it down afterward because it is an oil and will attract dirt.”

In the meantime, Burnie said you are still able to sign up for the challenge and can even log past trips. She also had some tips for people looking to change their transportation habits.
“Make a plan to use a specific type of transportation that week,” Burnie said.
“Be prepared, so pack your paniers the night before, lay your clothes out, have your umbrella handy, that is an easy way to make a choice, and maybe get a friend to do it with you.”
You can sign up for Shifting Gears on the GreenUP website and you can find out more about B!ke or register for workshops online on the B!ke: The Peterborough Community Bike Shop website.