
Former B.C. Lieutenant-Governor David Lam dies

David Lam, the Hong-Kong-born philanthropist who put a generous face on the strong wave of ethnic Chinese immigration to Canada and became one of the province’s most memorable lieutenant-governors, has died at the age of 87.

Lam’s death, announced by his family on Monday, followed a battle with prostate cancer. A memorial service will be held at 2 p.m. Saturday at the Richmond Funeral Home.

Lam was remembered Monday as a great man.

"He served with pride and distinction, and his vision of Canada included a place where immigrants would find refuge and opportunity," Premier Gordon Campbell said. "He contributed much to the fabric of British Columbia, and his generosity and kindness will never be forgotten.

"Our province mourns the loss of a great British Columbian and a great Canadian."

Often referring to himself as a "bridge builder" and "healer" between cultures, Lam succeeded more than any other person in easing some of the tension that developed when hundreds of thousands of Chinese immigrants began flocking to B.C. in the late 1980s, many of them well-off entrepreneurs from Hong Kong and Taiwan.

One of B.C.’s wealthiest men, Lam was a real-estate magnate and Baptist with a penchant for Confucian philosophy and an undying gratitude to Canada.

When Vancouver Sun columnist Denny Boyd wrote in 1985 the first media piece ever published about Lam, the gifted developer and investor was already retired and starting to give away $1 million a year to favorite causes.

"I have seen a lot of wealth – like gold, silver, diamonds and cash in the bank. But these are dead wealth. These are useless to me," he once said. "True riches are of the mind."

Today, Lam’s name graces dozens of buildings, parks, gardens, musical groups and awards in B.C. They include David Lam Park in False Creek, SFU’s David Lam Centre for International communication, UBC’s David Lam Management Research Centre, the University of Victoria’s David Lam Auditorium, the David Lam Campus of Douglas College and the Vancouver Dragon Boat race’s David Lam Award for Team Spirit.

Lam was born into a well-to-do family in Hong Kong on July 25, 1923. He worked there as a banker but made his fortune after moving in 1967 to Canada with his family, wife Dorothy and three daughters, Deborah, Daphne and Doreen. He ended up investing in real estate in B.C., California and Arizona, often partnering with new immigrants.

Faye Leung, who said she knew Lam in Hong Kong and helped him settle in Canada, said she will forever remember and treasure their friendship. She recalls how Lam was known as a playboy in Hong Kong because he was so "handsome and good-looking" and how proud he was when he was one of the first Chinese-Canadians appointed to the board of the Royal Bank in the 1970s.

But what she remembers most, she said, is how he always made her laugh.

"Oh gracious, what a funny guy," Leung said. "David was quite a fella; he’s got a great sense of humour and was a lot of fun to be with. I remember when I was invited to the House for luncheon and I said ‘David, what do I call you now? Your Excellency?’ and he said ‘Come on, Faye, call me ‘hey, you.’"

Although Lam was unceasingly gracious and jovial, he could be tough-minded.

At the same time he was asking Canadians to open-heartedly accept new immigrants, he was constantly chastising Chinese newcomers to be more polite, think about something other than money and fully embrace Canadian life.

He also showed his no-nonsense backbone in 1991, when he revealed he was ready to use the extraordinary, but rarely used powers of a lieutenant-governor to ask for the resignation of scandal-plagued premier Bill Vander Zalm.

The Social Credit premier had been accused of using his office for personal gain in a deal involving his Fantasy Gardens theme park. Lam never had to wield his royal hammer, however, because Vander Zalm resigned on his own.

Lam had taken on his high office with reluctance. When he was appointed by former prime minister Brian Mulroney, he was anxious about becoming the first ethnic Chinese lieutenant-governor in Canadian history.

"I turned the job down two times," he said. "I was not born here. English is not my first language. Try to imagine being appointed lieutenant-governor of Quebec and see what intimidation you will face. Then I thought: The real shortcoming is my imagined shortcomings."

His appointment made headlines around the world.

No slouch when it came to fulfilling his regal duties, Lam and his beloved wife, Dorothy, who died in 1997 at age 67, once admitted they had to receive medical treatment for muscle problems that developed in their arms from shaking thousands of hands.

Lam said being lieutenant- governor was a hectic, 14-hour-a-day challenge. Each year he gave 350 speeches, wrote 1,000 letters and entertained 2,000 visitors at Government House mansion on Rockland Avenue in Victoria. The rate of invitations tripled after he came into office.

He seemed to love all Canadians, and they returned the favour – even if he couldn’t smile to show his appreciation.

Around the time he accepted the lieutenant-governor’s role, he developed a minor facial paralysis called Bell’s Palsy, which made his left eye droop. He hoped people would be tolerant. He said: "People ask, ‘Why don’t you smile anymore? Aren’t you happy?’ Well, dammit, I can’t smile."

When Lam stepped down as lieutenant governor in 1995, a Victoria Times Colonist editorial said that not one word of the fulsome praise that had been showered upon Lam for his time in office could be called "empty flattery."

Calling Lam an "admirable" man who couldn’t conceal his pride in being Canadian, the editorial noted: "Whenever an opportunity arose to speak to new immigrants, he tried to encourage them to make great efforts to integrate into Canadian society. From someone with his ancestry and his self-made success, the message carried particular potency."

Lam was strengthened by his Christian faith. He was a devout Baptist who attended Oakridge Baptist Church in Vancouver. Even when he was 80, he was energetically touring with a 60-person choir he’d put together called The David C. Lam Hymn Society.

Singing hymns, Lam said, was a way "to communicate with each other through the heart." In addition to old Christian hymns, he loved listening to classical music and, when he was in the mood, Whitney Houston. He gave generously to evangelical Regent College on the UBC campus.

Lam was also shaped by the Confucian philosophy of his homeland, which taught a strong work ethic and moderation.

"Confucianism tells me when enough is enough: The sky is not the limit," Lam said. "Confucianism has a lot to do with not disrupting the social order. This is opposed today. People seek instant achievement. They maybe even break the law a little bit, or in a big way."

Although he called money "dead wealth," Lam made much of his estimated $100-million fortune through loyalty and genial shrewdness.

When disoriented Hong Kong immigrants first arrived at Vancouver International Airport, he would go to Richmond to welcome them. In many cases, he would soon be giving them advice on how to invest their millions of dollars on the West Coast, often entering into partnerships.

Sharing the habits of his success, he once advised people dealing with senior business executives, especially ones from Asia, to do everything they could to get around upper-level intermediaries so they could actually make a connection with the "Big Guy" – the corporate patriarch who pulled the strings from the background, without a fancy title.

Although Lam had links with the Progressive Conservative Party and was a diehard supporter of free enterprise, it didn’t stop him worrying about how the marketplace was creating a growing gap between rich and poor, especially in ruthless Hong Kong. "To me," he said, "pure capitalism is a very horrible thing."

With his strong commitment to fairness, social cohesion and peaceful change, he urged Canadians to embrace immigrants from all corners of the world, saying "the old B.C. has passed" and "we must expect growing pains."

He adamantly maintained Canadians were not racist, and had little patience for immigrants who would trot out the accusation at the first hint of inter-cultural conflict.

At the same time as he praised Canadian laws for combating discrimination against immigrants, however, he realized lawmakers couldn’t do everything to bring about social harmony "You can’t legislate love," he said.

That’s one of the reasons he constantly urged East Asian immigrants to strive to fit into and enhance Canadian culture. He’d often chide new Chinese immigrants for their insularity, for their monster homes and for their showy cars. He said people from East Asia often gave off mixed messages and annoyed people because they constantly struggle with "a tremendous inner conflict of inferiority and superiority."

In his 1996 biography, written by Reginald Roy, Lam revealed he wanted to lower British Columbians apprehensions about Chinese immigrants when Vancouver was becoming known as "Hongcouver" and the flood of rich immigrants was inflating real estate prices by building over-sized homes and cutting down neighbourhood trees.

He advised Chinese immigrants, who now account for more than one in 10 British Columbians, to learn English, avoid clustering in self-imposed wealthy ghettoes, support a clean environment and respect heritage buildings and landscaping.

He also advised them in Canadian manners: Be friendly, smile, say please and thank you, make eye contact and avoid concentrating only on individual success.

In 1993, he told a Vancouver Sun reporter he wanted to be remembered as "a man who preached harmony and goodness and understanding."

Lam is survived by his daughters Debbie, Daphne (Raymund), and Doreen (Philip), and his seven grandchildren Caroline, Jaclyn, Michael, Christina, Christopher, Brian, and Jennifer and many other relatives.

A celebration of his life will be held on Saturday, Nov. 27 at the Richmond Funeral Home, 8420 Cambie Rd., Richmond, BC at 2 p.m. Private cremation arranged at a later date.

Flowers are gratefully declined. A donation in memory of Dr. David C. Lam to the following organizations would be greatly appreciated by the family: BC Cancer Foundation ( or 604-877-6040); Living Word Chinese Baptist Church (2105 W. 33rd Avenue, Vancouver, BC V6M 1B8 or 604-261-1612); and the Far East Broadcasting Canada ( or 604-717-8369).


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