LETHBRIDGE- A staff member who works at two Lethbridge restaurants has been confirmed to have hepatitis A, prompting a public advisory.
A food handler who worked at both Pasta Fresco and Black Tomato Lounge along Heritage Blvd. W contracted the infection, which is caused by a virus. As a result, those who ate at the restaurant on Oct. 21, 22, 29 or Nov. 6 may have been exposed.
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“While we believe the risk to the public is low, hepatitis A can be a serious infection,” says Dr. Vivien Suttorp, Medical Officer of Health, AHS South Zone. “We’re asking any patron who consumed food or beverages at these two locations on the noted dates to please watch for symptoms of hepatitis A, stay home when sick, and call their health care provider if they do begin to show symptoms.”
Symptoms of hepatitis A include fatigue, poor appetite, nausea, abdominal pain and fever. They usually appear within a month of contacting the virus.
Alberta Health Services has inspected both restaurants, and say neither pose a risk of infection.
“This is a reminder of the importance of proper handwashing, staying home when sick, and ensuring your immunizations are up to date, including prior to travel.”