
Red Shirt Day (for Accessibility and Inclusion) 2021

Event Ended
Online Event
All ages
Contact 416-932-8382 (Easter Seals Canada)

Red Shirt Day is a day when people across Canada come together and wear red in schools, workplaces and spaces everywhere in order to create a visible display of solidarity for people and families living with disabilities, as well as to demonstrate their support and commitment for accessibility and inclusion of people with disabilities in Canada. By wearing red on Red Shirt Day, Canadians are pledging to take individual and collective action to help create a fully accessible and inclusive society that honours and values the contributions of people of all abilities, in all aspects of life, in Canada. Red Shirt Day is celebrated in conjunction with National AccessAbility Week and takes place on the Wednesday of National AccessAbility Week each year. In 2021, Red Shirt Day will take place on Wednesday, June 2nd. On Wednesday, June 2nd, 2021, post a selfie or a group photo of you with your family, friends, classmates or colleagues – all wearing red – on social media with the hashtags: #RedShirtDay, #RedForAccessAbility, #EasterSeals and #unstoppABLE. For more information about Red Shirt Day and National AccessAbility Week, and resources and suggested activities on how to observe and celebrate Red Shirt Day and National AccessAbility Week in your schools, workplaces, businesses and communities, visit
