
Jpoirier Health Presents: OUT OF THE SHADOWS

Event Ended
Amigo's Cantina - 806 Dufferin Avenue, Saskatoon, View Map

OUT OF THE SHADOWS – Our Artists, in their words:

Join us for a lovely evening as we journey through varying depictions of life emerging from the shadows.  Out of the Shadows is an exploration of the emergence of colour and light from out of the corners, hidings and Shadows that spread across this world, always.  Our artists look inside to bring their colour and shape from Out of the Shadows, delivering to you their understanding of the truth that shapes our world, even when we don’t know it, from Out of the Shadows.  You’ll find pieces that entice, titillate and inspire changes in your heart and in your mind.  You’ll be engaged, engrossed and engulfed, only to turn and gain another perspective from another brilliance, all over again.

Visual Artists:  Jocelyne Poirier – Our Driving Force, Mabel Kotei – Our Beating Heart, Florence Prychak – Our Harnessing Spirit, and Angela Willie (BFA) – Our Focusing Soul.  Produced by:  WAWW Creative.  ** NO ENTRY FEE REQUIRED **
