
Rob Ford hits three year mark as Toronto mayor

ABOVE: Mayor Rob Ford marks 3 years since winning mayoral election. Jackson Proskow reports. 

TORONTO – Despite a plethora of controversies and scandals, it is three years and counting for Rob Ford.

“People know I’ve done a great job in this city. Look at the city three years ago and look at it now, the city was going downhill and we brought it back," said the mayor during a media scrum in Etobicoke Friday morning.
Listen to the full interview:
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It was on this day back in October 2010 when Ford won the Toronto mayoral election.

Ford claimed the mayor’s chair with just over 47 per cent of the popular vote, beating out his opponents George Smitherman and Joe Pantalone.

Since his election win, the mayor has tip-toed around a defamation lawsuit, a conflict of interest case, and substance abuse allegations.

LET US KNOW: What Rob Ford moment sticks out the most for you?

Ford’s tenuous relationship with the media has been front and centre during his reign as well.

Most recently, Ford stormed out of a press conference at city hall this week after being asked about a character reference letter he wrote for his friend Alexander Lisi who is charged with threatening a woman.

“I told you I didn’t want to talk about it and I don’t know who it was,” Ford said. "You guys drive me crazy to be quite frank with you.”
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Ford said some of the priorities in his fourth year of office would be to continue to push for subways and relieve congestion in the city.

“ I want to connect Don Mills over to McCowan, look at Finch, look at the DRL (Downtown Relief Line), contract out garbage east of Yonge in the next term and there’s still the union deals that have to come up, I want to get gridlock at the city, we’re synchronizing lights,” he said.

The mayor has said he will run for re-election in 2014 which is scheduled for October 27.

Ford told reporters he has his eyes dead set on removing the “fiscally irresponsible” out of city council.

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“You have a very divided council, call it for what it is, you got half the council that are fiscally responsible and the other half are fiscally irresponsible and I want to get the irresponsible half out in the next election,” Ford said.

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