
Halifax police arrest man in relation to indecent act near Dalhousie

Police were searching for a male suspect after he exposed himself to two women in the area of Castine Way and Oxford Street in Halifax. Jennifer Grudic / Global News

Halifax Regional Police say they’ve arrested a 35-year-old man in relation to an indecent exposure incident near Dalhousie University.

Police were searching for a male suspect who exposed himself to two women as they were walking in the area of Oxford Street and Castine Way at around 1:20 p.m. on Friday.

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The suspect was last seen on foot in the area of Walnut Street and Coburg Road.

Police say a man was arrested by patrol officers as he was walking in the area of Blowers and Barrington streets.

As of early Sunday morning he was currently in police custody awaiting a bail hearing.


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