
New phone line and email address to help report elder abuse

Family doctors in Quebec need to enroll between one and two new patients a day, said Minister Gaetan Barrette. Global News Files

KELOWNA–Interior Health has launched a new toll-free hotline and e-mail address so people can confidentially report elder abuse.

Elder abuse takes many forms, including physical, financial, emotional, verbal or sexual assault as well as neglect.

Now if someone has concerns about the way a senior is being treated, they can call 1-844-870-4754 to connect with a trained professional.  The email address is

“It’s essential for all of us to be aware and take action, because we have a responsibility to promote a culture of respect and protect the safety of seniors,” says Darryl Plecas, Parliamentary Secretary for Seniors.

June 15 is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day.  People are encouraged to wear purple to show support for treating the elderly with dignity.


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