
#TrudeauMania hits Twitter after Liberals win 2015 election

ABOVE: Justin Trudeau used his maiden speech as prime minister-elect to start the healing process for wounds torn open during a divisive election campaign. Jacques Bourbeau reports.

A Liberal majority was declared in the 2015 federal election Monday night, as Justin Trudeau’s party went from a distant third in the polls to sweeping Atlantic Canada, much of Quebec, the urban centres of Ontario and even spots in Alberta’s Conservative strongholds.

A Trudeau win at the polls also meant a Trudeau win on Twitter, with #TrudeauMania trending for much of the night.

Some tweets looked back on the leader as a young child in the arms of his father, former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, or the legacy left by the family:

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Many played on Trudeau’s reputation as the handsome party leader (for those who don’t know him):

And then there were the mashup memes, drawing on the Internet’s “Hey Girl” slogan typically reserved for Hollywood movie stars:

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While most #TrudeauMania tweets seemed positive or at least playful, there were some skeptics:

And finally, calling on the other win for Canada Monday night, this nod to the Blue Jays:

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READ MORE: Trudeau wins; here’s what he promised and what he’s set to face

Watch below: The Global News political panel compares Justin Trudeau’s federal election victory to his father’s success, and considers the next chapter in the Trudeau legacy.

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