
Montreal teachers hold mark-in to protest unfair work hours

MONTREAL – Teachers gathered on the steps of the Quartier des Spectacles Saturday afternoon to stage what they are calling a mass-marking session.

Catherine Holloway, one of the teachers at the rally, said the goal of the session was to make visible some of the invisible work that teachers do throughout the school year.

“It’s a mistake to think that we only spend 32 hours a week,” she said. “Most of us are bringing [home] hours of correction in the evening and weekends.”

READ MORE: Adamo Hartley starts facebook campaign to end teacher pressure tactics

Demonstrators sat silently in folding chairs, marking away but their silence should not be misconstrued for passivity.

“We want the government to treat us like professionals and give us and our schools the resources that we need,” said Holloway.

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Holloway says that there has been some movement in contract negotiations and she hopes the momentum will continue, stating that the government needs to respect the profession and allow for a salary that is commensurate with the time teachers spend.

READ MORE: Are Quebec teacher protests working?

Most teachers in Quebec have already begun implementing work-to-rule and unions have obtained strike mandates from their members.

English school board employees have scheduled several strike days across the province, starting at the end of the month.

Holloway warns that teachers are prepared to increase pressure tactics if negotiations don’t go as planned.





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