
Sony sells over 1 million PlayStation 4s in first day

Sony sells over 1 million PlayStation 4s in first day - image
THE CANADIAN PRESS/AP, Rick Scuteri for Amazon

NEW YORK – Sony says it sold more than 1 million of its PlayStation 4 video game consoles during their first 24 hours on the market.

The consoles went on sale Friday in the U.S. and Canada. Andrew House, president and group CEO for Sony Computer Entertainment Inc., said in a release Sunday that sales remain strong in North America. The company will launch the gaming system in Europe and Latin America on Nov. 29.

Read More: Gamers spend hours in line to get their hands on Sony’s PlayStation 4

Sony has said it expects to sell 5 million units by the end of its fiscal year in March.

“Sales remain very strong in North America, and we expect continued enthusiasm as we launch the PlayStation 4 in Europe and Latin America on November 29. We are extremely grateful for the passion of PlayStation fans and thank them for their continued support,” said Andrew House, President and Group CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment, Inc. in a statement released Monday.

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The PlayStation 4 is Sony’s first new video game console in seven years. It faces competition from Microsoft Corp.’s new Xbox One, which goes on sale this week.

Read More: What the critics are saying about PlayStation 4

But unlike seven years ago, video game systems are also now competing against tablets, smartphones and other gadgets for the attention of gamers.

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